Discourses of Mass Violence in Comparative Perspective

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Lecture Series "Empire and Violence"

at LMU Munich & University of Innsbruck - Program

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José Casanova (Georgetown U),
The Sacralization of Canonicity as the Legitimation of Violence
response: Wolfgang Palaver (Innsbruck U)

preview Casanova

Alexander Etkind (CEU Vienna),
The Letter Z and the Problem of Genocide
response: Riccardo Nicolosi (LMU)

preview Etkind

Herfried Münkler (Political Science, HU Berlin),
Die Wiederkehr der Imperien?
Großräume und Einflusszonen in der Weltordnung des 21. Jahrhunderts
response: Eva Hausteiner (Political Theory, FAU Erlangen)
preview Münkler

Robert Rolliner (Ancient Near East, Innsbruck)
Empire and Violence from the Achaemenid-Persian Perspective
response: Silvia Balatti (Classical Studies, Kiel)
preview rollinger

Gerhard Mangott (Political Science, Innsbruck)
Russia's Aggression Against Ukraine:
Motives, Interests, and Geopolitical Implications
preview mangott

Katell Berthelot (History of Judaism, CNRS Aix-en-Provence)
Jewish Responses to Roman Imperial Violence
response: Johannes Heil (History of Judaism, Heidelberg)

Dirk Rupnow (Contemporary History, Innsbruck U)
Post-Nazism - Postcolonialism - Post-Migration:
The Current Debate of Memory Culture, Politics of History, and Holocaust Memory
response: Helga Embacher (Contemporary History, Salzburg U)

Karen Radner (Ancient History of the Near and Middle East, LMU Munich)
Lessons from the Pathfinder Empire: Framing Conquest as Salvation in 9th-century-BC Assyria
response: Eckart Frahm (Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations, Yale U)

ROUNDTABLE The Curse of the Empire: Two Years after Russia's Invasion of Ukraine 2022 (in German)
Martin Schulze Wessel (East and Southeast European History, LMU Munich)
responses: Alison Frank Johnson (Central and Eastern European History, Harvard U)
& Timothy Williams (Insecurity Studies, University of the Bundeswehr Munich)