Discourses of Mass Violence in Comparative Perspective

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Discourses of Mass Violence in Comparative Perspective

Recent & Upcoming

10 October 2024
Workshop @LMU Munich
Feeling Responsible:
Affective Polarization and the Sense of Implication in Academic Debates on Israel/Palestine
co-orgainzed by Dominik Markl, Juliane Prade-Weiss, and Timothy Williams
CALL FOR PAPERS deadline 07 July 2024

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Complicity, Past and Present:
Portrayals of Involvement in Mass Violence and Terror
in Documentary Fiction

@TRAFO – Blog for Transregional Research
Forum Transregionale Studien (Berlin) & Max Weber Stiftung – Deutsche Geisteswissenschaftliche Institute im Ausland (Bonn)

 17-18 September 2024
Conference presentation
Juliane Prade-Weiss: "History Repeating? Analyzing Claims to Repetition in Warnings, and Threats, of Violence"
Narratives of Violence as a Political Tool, University of the Bundeswehr Munich,
organized by Kirsty Campbell & Timothy Williams

14 June 2024
Inaugural lecture
Dominik Markl: WATCH "Historiography as a Medium of Survival: From the Hebrew Bible to Leokadia Justman"
(Geschichtsschreibung als Überlebensmedium: Von der Hebräischen Bibel zu Leokadia Justman)
17-19 CET
University of Innsbruck, Kaiser-Leopold-Saal, Karl-Rahner-Platz 3

12 June 2024
Inaugural lecture
Juliane Prade-Weiss: "On Participation: Anatomy of a Promise" (Zur Partizipation: Anatomie eines Versprechens)
18-20 CET
LMU Munich, Geschwister-Scholl-Pl. 1, A 125

02-03 May 2024
Workshop presentation
Juliane Prade-Weiss & Dominik Markl: "Open Letters, Genocide, and the Confessional Speech Act"
Trusting Academic Concepts, Trusting the Academic Community:
Challenges in the Context of Escalating Violence in Israel-Gaza, Frankfurt am Main
organized by Hanna Pfeifer (Goethe University Frankfurt/Peace Research Institute Frankfurt)
& Timothy Williams (University of the Bundeswehr Munich)

17-20 April 2024
Conference presentations
Dominik Markl & Juliane Prade-Weiss:
"Imperial versus National Claims to Power and the Cultural Memory of Mass Violence"
& Vladimir Petrović: "Historiographic and Legal Justification of Mass Violations"
The Memory of Power and Abuse of Power: An International and Transdisciplinary Conference, Rome

11 April 2024
Juliane Prade-Weiss & Dominik Markl: "War Trauma and their Long-term Aftermath in Literature"
(Kriegstraumata und ihre Langzeitfolgen im Spiegel der Literatur)
Global Health Day 2024, LMU Munich

22 March 2024
Roundtable "Aspects of Imperial Rule and Colonial Experience: Violence"
Discussant: Juliane Prade-Weiss et al.
Imperial Rule and Colonial Experience in Eastern Europe:
German Association for East European Studies Annual Meeting, Jena University

Leokadia Justman's Survival Story: Editon – Analysis – Public Awareness


Project Start 07 March 2024

Innsbruck University,
Principle Investigator: Dominik Markl
in cooperation with Juliane Prade-Weiss



WATCH the 2023–24 lecture series Empire and Violence

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Guest Lecture Ariel Glucklich (Georgetown U),
"Anderl von Rinn: Applying System Theory to a Case of Blood Libel"
University of Innsbruck, 23 June 2023

We started discussing the role of blood libels in the context of discourses of mass violence, and we look forward to continuing this conversation with (from left to right) Jennifer Hansen-Glucklich (U of Mary Washington),
Ariel Glucklich (Georgetown U), and Alison Frank Johnson (Harvard U).

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Roundtable "Russia - Ukraine. War Over Memory"

at the interdisciplinary conference The Cultural Memory of Mass Violence: Re-Mediation and Pre-Mediation
LMU Munich / zoom, 03 November 2022
conference report in German | in English

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Dominik Markl, Astrid Erll, Christoph Thonfeld, Juliane Prade-Weiss, Martin Schulze Wessel, Stephanie Bird

Martin Schulze Wessel (LMU Munich), Astrid Erll (Goethe University Frankfurt), Stephanie Bird (University College London), and Christoph Thonfeld (Dachau Memorial Site) joined us for a discussion of the role of cultural memory in Russia's 2022 invasion of Ukraine.
2022 marks the 30th anniversary of a canonical text of memory studies, Jan Assmann’s Das kulturelle Gedächtnis (1992), translated as Cultural Memory and Early Civilization: Writing, Remembrance, and Political Imagination (2011). And since the Russian invasion of Ukraine in February 2022, politics and the public have turned to paying attention to the role of cultural memory in the political imagination as the Russian regime has weaponized the Russian cultural memory of the Soviet fight against National Socialism to justify its war of aggression against Ukraine.

Roundtable "Beyond the Law:
Justifications of Mass Violence in Social and Scholarly Discourses"

at the 9th Annual Conference of the Historical Dialogues, Justice & Memory Network:
Beyond Nuremberg: The Global Search for Accountability,
NIOD Institute for War, Holocaust and Genocide Studies Amsterdam, 10 June 2022

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Nanci Adler, A. Dirk Moses, Dominik Markl, Juliane Prade-Weiss, Vladimir Petrovic, Christian Gerlach

Nanci Adler (NIOD/University of Amsterdam), Christian Gerlach (University of Bern), and Dirk Moses (University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill) joined us for an engaging discussion of justifications of mass violence which transcend and evade the legal sphere.
With the Russian-Ukrainian 2022 war, the role of justifications for warfare and mass violence given by perpetrators and accomplices has drawn public and scholarly attention. Against this backdrop, the discussion re-visited the vocabulary and heuristics of assertions of rightfulness, excuses, neutralizations such as denial, and rationalizations in 20th century conflicts in view of their lasting impact on current memory politics and conflicts.

Interview "Understanding what makes perpetrators tick"
Justifications of mass violence in the Russian war against Ukraine

April 11, 2022, Bucha, Ukraine © IMAGO/ZUMA Wire

Juliane Prade-Weiss in interview with LMU Munich English ‖ German

Workshop Discoursive Constructions of Enmity: Populisms, Conspiracy, Hate

LMU Munich, 11 February 2022, organized by Juliane Prade-Weiss, Dominik Markl & Vladimir Petrovic
conference report at HSozKult

Riccardo Nicolosi (LMU Munich), Vladimir Putins Ukraine-Rhetorik

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Ruth Wodak (Wien),
„Rothschild, Soros, Silberstein" – das Revival von antisemitischen Weltverschwörungstheorien

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Jonathan Leader Maynard (King's College London),
Rethinking Extremism in Comparative Perspective: Narrative, Enmity and Political War

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Juliane Prade-Weiss (LMU Munich), Wut, Schamlosigkeit, Bühne. Feindschaft aufführen

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